Digital Business Transformation

OTEAcademy Αuditorium Πέλικα & Σπάρτης 1, Αθήνα

The aim of the conference is to be a meeting point for all the IT Executives who working on the many aspects of digital transformation, innovation and IT strategy. With presenting more than 30+ digital transformation case studies from different sectors of the economy, the conference will offer to the participants the opportunity to share […]

The Data Conference

OTEAcademy Αuditorium Πέλικα & Σπάρτης 1, Αθήνα

The Data Conference will address the today's most important challenges for Chief Data Officers & Data Analysts, covering areas such as Big Data, Data Science, Machine Learning & AI, giving the opportunity to senior market executives, government officials and academics to share their experiences through a plenty of business cases, discuss best practices, talk about […]

| Greece | Physical

Ship IT Conference

Ploes Ιωάννου Φιξ, Παλαιό Φάληρο

9th ShipIT Conference is the annual one-day strategic event since 2015, addressed free of charge to Maritime personnel, analyzing the impact of the Digitalization as well as of Information and Operation Technologies on the Maritime’s operations and business performance. Reserve your place today! Can you afford to miss it?

IT Directors Forum

Megaron Athens Concert Hall Leoforos Vasilissis Sofias and, Kokkali 1, Αθήνα 115 21, Αθήνα

IT Directors Forum will engage highly-ranked ICT Executives from key vertical industries towards exploring the new imperatives dictated by the race of connectivity through digital technology and the urgent need of ICT to be aligned with Business growth drivers and plans. Keynote speeches by international Thought Leaders and ICT Experts, Panels of Discussion by leading […]

Health IT Conference

National Hellenic Research Foundation Λεωφ. Βασιλέως Κωνσταντίνου 48, Αθήνα

An annual two-day conference that deals with the promotion and analysis of the digital strategy in Health and has become a meeting point for important representatives from the field of Health. Hospital Informatics Executives, the country's Health Agencies, Hospital Governors and Health Services, representatives of the Ministry of Health, IDIKA, EOPYY, Health professionals, representatives of […]

Future of Cities Conference

Ethniki Asfalistiki Conference Hall Λεωφ. Ανδρέα Συγγρού 103, Αθήνα, Αττική

The 12th Future of Cities Conference aims to inform participants about the latest developments and trends, transfer expertise from the most renowned speakers and discuss the challenges of the times, solutions for better and safer urban living, economic development and sustainability...

Cloud Computing Conference

Ethniki Asfalistiki Conference Hall Λεωφ. Ανδρέα Συγγρού 103, Αθήνα, Αττική

The Cloud Computing conference will highlight the fact that todays Organizations need flexible, scalable, secure and resilient cloud infrastructures that can meet their needs, support their operations anytime and anywhere and to gain faster access to new and innovative technologies, as well as improve their efficiency.

| Ελλάδα
House124 Ceremony

DevOps & Agile Awards 2024

House124 Αγίας Παρασκευής 124, Χαλάνδρι

Boussias Events is breaking new ground by bringing the first DevOps & Agile Awards to Greece! On Wednesday, June 12, 2024, at 8:00 PM, we'll proudly announce the winners of the 2024 DevOps & Agile Awards! Registration starts at 8:00 PM, followed immediately by the ceremony, starting at 8:30 PM. Under the auspices of the […]

| Greece | Physical

Ship IT Conference

Ploes Ιωάννου Φιξ, Παλαιό Φάληρο

ShipIT Conference 2024 organized by BOUSSIAS’ publications netweek and Association of Maritime Managers in Information Technology and Communication( AMMITEC), under the auspices of Norwegian Center for Cybersecurity in Critical Sectors (NORCICS) and Hellenic Institute of Marine Technology(ELINT) , Addressed to the maritime, shipping, ocean freight and port industry, Analyzing the impact of the Digitalization & Cyber Security on the industrys operations as well as business performance.

IT Directors Forum 2024

Megaron Athens Concert Hall Leoforos Vasilissis Sofias and, Kokkali 1, Αθήνα 115 21, Αθήνα

The 19th IT Directors Forum will highlight the importance of giving emphasis to critical topics, such as uncovering design and implementation issues of the new era IT Strategy and exploring ways of creating business value by focusing on the central directions and imperatives of the transition, ensuring the improved, seamless, smooth, and qualitative human-centered digital operations.

| Greece | Physical

HealthIT Conference 2024

OTEAcademy Αuditorium Πέλικα & Σπάρτης 1, Αθήνα

An annual two-day conference that deals with the promotion and analysis of the digital strategy in Health and has become a meeting point for important representatives from the field of Health. Hospital Informatics Executives, the country's Health Agencies, Hospital Governors and Health Services, representatives of the Ministry of Health, IDIKA, EOPYY, Health professionals, representatives of […]